


 就肖想很久卻一直無緣去的地方, 這天, 我們帶著興奮的心情出發, 問老爺想去美術館嗎, 他還很高興的想跟, 再飽食了一頓大餐後, 我們這群手無縛雞之力的團正式出發了, 還好傳說中的塞車公路還不至於塞的太離譜, 我們很順利的再關館前大約三個小時到, 離原本計畫早上十點出發的團, 似乎延誤的離譜。(實在是太多事情必須處理了)

Getty Center Los Angeles

下了傳說中的塞車公路, 還不大清楚左右方向, 那隨便挑左邊走咩, 想一想, 又覺得右邊好像才是正確的方向, 就這樣, 憑著個人的直覺帶著這群連地圖都沒帶的團到達了正確的地點, 娘很緊張的還替我捏了一把冷汗, 帶著老爺緩緩的步行搭電梯到搭乘電車的地方, 左右張望了一下, 剛好看到有人在退還輪椅, 當下就去拐了一個輪椅過來用。老爺很滿意的坐上去, 享受著豪華藝術之旅。(也有娃娃車外借喔)

有輪椅確實方便許多, 不必把老爺丟在一旁, 帶著他趴趴走, 雖然美術館的門很厚重, 又沒有那種按了就會芝麻開門的鈕, 只好勞煩娘來當開門的先鋒, 有的時候裡面的看守者也會幫忙開門, 但是好像快到假日了, 大家都很懶, 很多人都裝做沒看到, 真是的, 才剛進第一館, 就被看守者攔下來, 慎重交代不得將水瓶隨便露在外面, 也不得在館內飲用任何飲料。。看我露在外面背的相機, 又慎重的交代我不得開閃光燈照相, 結果第二句沒聽清楚, 胡亂應答, 所以導致一路上都沒有照相, 一直到後來才很後之後覺的開了相機照相。

Is photography allowed at the Getty Center?Handheld and video cameras using existing light are welcome in the permanent collection galleries. Please check at the entrance of the changing exhibitions for any restrictions in those galleries. Flash photography and tripods are not permitted.Any commercial or other unauthorized use of any transmission, picture, film/type, writing, drawing, or other depiction or description of any Getty name, mark, or logo is prohibited without prior specific written approval of the J. Paul Getty Trust. Please call the Communications Department at (310) 440-7300 for more information.The Getty may photograph, film, or videotape visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Use of a ticket is implied consent for the use of the holder's likeness, voice, or video image for marketing purposes.

GalleriesThe galleries at the Getty Center are housed in the Museum's five exhibition pavilions, plus the Getty Research Institute Exhibition Gallery.The North Pavilion presents Classical Connections, a small selection of antiquities, as well as paintings and sculpture dating up to 1600 and decorative arts dating up to 1650.The East Pavilion features primarily 17th-century Baroque art, including Dutch, French, Flemish, and Spanish paintings as well as sculpture and Italian decorative arts dating from 1600 to 1800.The South Pavilion houses 18th-century paintings and the majority of the Museum's European decorative arts collection, complete with elaborately furnished paneled rooms, dating up to 1800.The West Pavilion features sculpture and Italian decorative arts of the 1700s through 1900 and 19th-century paintings.The Exhibitions Pavilion features changing exhibitions.

也有中文的簡介喔, 我娘還很興奮的說拿到中文簡介, 而且還是正體字喔, 真是令人開心的事。

我個人是蠻喜歡北館的聖經藏書, 以前讀有關這方面的書就覺得很興奮, 如今親眼看到更是快樂的飛上天, 雖然搞不清楚她在寫些什麼, 但是幾乎全部都有附上色彩豐富的插圖, 真的是讓人大開眼界。




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