這些年我比較沒有那麼衝動, 尤其是最近一兩個月,乖乖的以超過正常時速不多過五哩的速度前進,發現這種開法,很多人會受不了,跟車跟的緊緊的,我也沒去理他,若是以前的我早就被逼著 開快一點,可是最近油價很貴,踩油門過多會在無形中浪費很多汽油,所以平常愛開快車的我,在起速的時候學習慢慢的踩油門。
可 能也是換了新車,心態有點 不一樣,也或是年紀漸漸大了一點,個性上也不太愛衝撞。以前被別人超車會很生氣還會碎碎唸,現在比較沒有那麼在意,雖然說是不在意偶薾也會多事的關心看看 他超到哪裡去了,根據我的觀察紀錄顯示,其實那些愛超車的人,並不會有多快,有的時候我龜速前進的時候,還會遇上前面超車在等紅燈。()
如果車上有定速的話,建議不妨在高速公路上使用,當然是指平穩的速度下。通常聽說定速會省很多油錢,我又 開始一上高速就定速,也不敢訂太高,怕拿罰單。起初用的時候會全身緊張,因為很多車會跟的很緊,兩旁的車像是擁有世界賽車籍選手的資格,左來又往的,好不 驚人。我很怕別人加諸在我身上的壓力,所以以前遇到跟著緊緊的車,就會不自覺的加快了油門,很怕自己擋了別人的路。尤其是緊跟著你車尾的車,通常如果心情還不錯的時候,我會閃邊讓他,如果心情不好,就開的更慢,讓他自己閃。我沒有像Tuesday with Morrie那樣有風度,對於超車的人還能微笑回去,而且搞不好有些人還會很生氣的回罵妳笑什麼,不過已經慢慢不會在意的以同樣的龜速前進,蕭邦的練習曲很受用,很多都會讓心情平靜些。兩千多首音樂在我的iPod裡面,六天連續聽都聽不完,也省去一些要換碟的麻煩。對於囂張揚聲而去的那些車子,也不會再進行碎碎唸的功力,也許他們有他們緊急的事情必須去面對。
羊毛出在羊身上,油錢是自己付的,當學習 慢慢的開車時,會覺得確實省下了不少的錢,也很慶幸自己越來越看的開,不再是速度小姐,慢慢的學會看看身邊的事物,還有享受在車子裡自己一個人的空間, 雖然我已經有很多自己的空間了。因為響應地球暖化運動,而很少開冷暖氣,其實也是自己不喜歡冷氣,除非熱到快窒息,而我似乎還蠻耐熱的。
因為受不了冷氣,所以很多時候會開窗,而說到開窗戶,就免不了會聽到 外面的聲音。常常停在紅燈前,享受別車吵雜的音樂,尤其是老墨很喜歡把音響聲開的特別響亮,有點不敢讓人恭維,所以通常我會在快停車的時候,調整一下自己 音樂的音量。對於在August Rush那裡面的小男孩把所有吵雜的聲音都當作是音符,絕對由衷的佩服。我爹很喜歡大聲在車內聽音樂,還記得爹在他還威風的時候,開著那時在台灣要賣上百萬的跑車,音樂開的震耳欲聾,唯恐大家不知道他來了似的,我 娘每次都會請他開小聲一點,免得一家三口都會面臨耳聾的境地。
我的開車習慣上車先脫鞋,所 以地毯必須保持很乾淨,車子的踏板也會每天擦過一遍,因為不喜歡穿鞋開車,有的時候懶了還會穿車上專用的小襪子。接著找我的小枕頭墊在我稍微突出的小 腹上,(希望這稍微突出的小腹在最近的運動下會有所改進)這個習慣說起來跟冷氣還蠻有淵源的,因為開冷氣的時候怕冷到肚子,所以墊一個東西在小腹上,久了 就變成一種習慣了。等紅燈的時候有時會不自覺的抱緊小枕頭那倒是真的,而且雖然毛茸茸的夏天照樣抱的不亦樂呼。典型怪胎一枚。
我不太愛在車上放太多娃娃或者是裝飾,但是看到Betty Boop的裝飾,還是免不了的很衝動的買下來,還好只是牌照框而已,車上放了朋友送的一隻藍色的玩具狗,還有以前買的水晶吊飾,娘前幾年送我的玉珮吊飾。幾一陣子爹還很好心的幫我買了一個Hello Kitty的粉色抱枕,週邊有很多碎羽毛,車子上都會沾上粉紅色的毛,雖然很喜歡貓,可是對這隻貓一向很敏感,給人用可以,自己用真的很不愛,所以說並不是每個女人都愛凱娣貓。凱娣貓那系列,除了他以外,其他的我都愛,這樣會不會很欠扁呢?(笑)

很多人都有很不好的習慣,愛在車上講電話。如果是會分心的人,或者是路癡,建議你不妨戒掉這個壞習慣。開車講電話出事率真的很高,要講的話也請簡短,避免 在車上做出重大的決定。有些人只是看著後車鏡塗口紅就會發生高速公路連環大車禍,有些人可以在手排檔的車上打簡訊(非常之恐怖,千萬不要以身嚐試,老天保 佑還好讓我平安到家)重點是,妳的極現在哪裡?我自己的極限很低,只能手扶著方向盤,聽聽音樂放鬆心情而已。
其實我還蠻喜歡自己開車去玩 的,尤其愛開長途一直聽音樂。可是不太愛载人,可能因為我怕別人不喜歡我放的音樂吧,像豆腐跟我就蠻合得來,上次跟她出去開遠途車非常之開心,自己一個人最遠開過一次去聖塔巴巴拉 找同學,我娘來的時候也帶她開了很多遠途車,她在車上發揮的碎碎唸功力,讓我有時侯很想棄車逃跑,後來去過同學推薦的國家公園,就迷上開彎彎曲曲的山路。
路口也是我的罩門之一,我很 怕開車開到路口,剛好綠燈轉紅燈,停在路中間,沒的進也沒的退,剛好卡死。有一次就真的讓我碰到,明明剛剛一分鐘前才綠燈,我才剛加油上去就被堵在路口,前面的車還是一直不 動,一直到過了很久轉為紅燈,讓我就那樣卡在路中間,被右手邊的車子一直按喇叭,很想鑽個地洞逃開,人家真的不是故意的啦。(泣)
習慣也是很不太好的,像某條 路,妳已經習慣閉著眼睛都會開了,可是偏偏來個修路,鬼打牆的又莫名其妙的照著習慣開,最後又和另一條路併成一條路,每次另一條路的那輛車又會很兇神悪 煞的按喇叭不準妳過去,前面就沒路了難道妳要我去撞牆?還有就是明明知道從高速路下來兩條路併成一條,有些人就會兩三輛連著一起像連體嬰一樣出來,又不打 燈,直接插到妳前面的位置,有的時候真是哭笑不得。剛開車的時候會學一些別人的好習慣,例如說別的車願意讓妳,通常我會揮手道謝,可是現在很多人開車好像都沒有這個習慣,好像妳就欠她似的。

30 tips on how to save on gas!



Save on your gas price!

The surest way you can improve your fuel cost problem is to change your motoring habits. Listed below under four categories are 30 effective methods of doing so... no need to buy expensive add-on equipment.

1. Avoid prolonged warming up of engine, even on cold mornings - 30 to 45 seconds is plenty of time.

2. Be sure the automatic choke is disengaged after engine warm up... chokes often get stuck, resulting in bad gas/air mixture.

3. Don't start and stop engine needlessly. Idling your engine for one minute consumes the gas amount equivalent to when you start the engine.

4. Avoid "revving" the engine, especially just before you switch the engine off; this wastes fuel needlessly and washes oil down from the inside cylinder walls, owing to loss of oil pressure.

5. Eliminate jack-rabbit starts. Accelerate slowly when starting from dead stop. Don't push pedal down more than 1/4 of the total foot travel. This allows carburetor to function at peak efficiency.

6. Buy gasoline during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is best. During these times gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentration. You are charged according to "volume of measurement".

7. Choose type and brand of gasoline carefully. Certain brands provide you with greater economy because of better quality. Use the brands which "seem" most beneficial.

8. Avoid filling gas tank to top. Overfilling results in sloshing over and out of tank. Never fill gas tank past the first "click" of fuel nozzle, if nozzle is automatic.

9. Exceeding 40 mph forces your auto to overcome tremendous wind resistance.

10. Never exceed legal speed limit. Primarily they are set for your traveling safety, however better gas efficiency also occurs. Traveling at 55 mph gives you up to 21% better mileage when compared to former legal speed limits of 65 mph and 70 mph.

11. Traveling at fast rates in low gears can consume up to 45% more fuel than is needed.

12. Manual shift driven cars allow you to change to highest gear as soon as possible, thereby letting you save gas if you "nurse it along". However, if you cause the engine to "bog down", premature wearing of engine parts occurs.

13. Keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows cause air drag, reducing your mileage by 10%.

14. Drive steadily. Slowing down or speeding up wastes fuel. Also avoid tailgating - the driver in front of you is unpredictable. Not only is it unsafe, but if affects your economy, if he slows down unexpectedly.

15. Think ahead when approaching hills. If you accelerate, do it before you reach the hill, not while you're on it.

16. Do not rest left foot on floor board pedals while driving. The slightest pressure puts "mechanical drag" on components, wearing them down prematurely. This "dragging" also demands additional fuel usage.

17. Avoid rough roads whenever possible, because dirt or gravel rob you of up to 30% of your gas mileage.

18. Use alternate roads when safer, shorter, straighter. Compare traveling distance differences - remember that corners, curves and lane jumping requires extra gas. The shortest distance between two points is always straight.

19. Stoplights are usually timed for your motoring advantage. By traveling steadily at the legal speed limit you boost your chances of having the "green light" all the way.

20. Automatic transmissions should be allowed to cool down when your car is idling at a standstill, e.g. railroad crossings, long traffic lights, etc. Place gear into neutral position. This reduces transmission strain and allows transmission to cool.

21. Park car so that you can later begin to travel in forward gear; avoid reverse gear maneuvers to save gas.

22. Regular tune-ups ensure best economy; check owner's manual for recommended maintenance intervals.

Special attention should be given to maintaining clean air filters... diminished air flow increases gas waste.

23. Inspect suspension and chassis parts for occasional misalignment. Bent wheels, axles, bad shocks, broken springs, etc. create engine drag and are unsafe at high traveling speeds.

24. Remove snow tires during good weather seasons; traveling on deep tire tread really robs fuel!

25. Inflate all tires to maximum limit. Each tire should be periodically spun, balanced and checked for out-of-round.

When shopping for new tires, get large diameter tires for rear wheels. Radial designs are the recognized fuel-savers; check manufacturer's specifications for maximum tire pressures.

26. Remove vinyl tops - they cause air drag. Rough surfaces disturb otherwise smooth air flow around a car's body.

Bear in mind when buying new cars that a fancy sun roof helps disturb smooth air flow (and mileage).

27. Auto air conditioners can reduce fuel economy by 10% to 20%. Heater fan, power windows and seats increase engine load; the more load on your engine, the less miles per gallon.

28. Remove excess weight from trunk or inside of car - extra tires, back seats, unnecessary heavy parts. Extra weight reduces mileage, especially when driving up inclines.

29. Car pools reduce travel monotony and gas expense - all riders chip in to help you buy. Conversation helps to keep the driver alert. Pooling also reduces traffic congestion, gives the driver easier maneuverability and greater "steady speed" economy. For best results, distribute passenger weight evenly throughout car.

30. During cold weather watch for icicles frozen to car frame. Up to 100 lbs. can be quickly accumulated!

Unremoved snow and ice cause tremendous wind resistance. Warm water thrown on (or hosed on) will eliminate it fast.

Install pressure regulator valve (sold in auto parts stores)... Use graphite motor oil... Beware of oil additives, regardless of advertising claims... Add Marvel Mystery Oil into gas fill-ups... Investigate fuel/water injection methods and products... combine short errands into one trip... Use special gas additives to prevent winter freezing of gas lines!

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