那封別人轉寄給我的電子郵件,我印象還蠻深刻的。裡面提到有一個小女孩,持續的發燒,原 本以為是簡單的感冒,居然就在一個星期就去逝了。症狀是排不出尿。我以為,只不過又是一封轉來轉去的電子郵件,可信度蠻低。不過這個月初,我娘打來電話, 提及林進塔伯伯因病去逝了。很傷心的我問了一句怎麼會這樣呢?

娘 說,林柏伯發燒一個星期,平時又是一個很節儉的人,想說祇是普通感冒而已,後來實在是燒了一個星期,才不得不去看醫生,還自己撘公車去醫院,結果隔天就在 醫院過逝了。症狀也是排不出尿。聽了真的好難過。小時候醫院的大草原上,是他剪出栩栩如生的樹,讓我們這些兒童,快樂的在中間穿梭著。

他有著一附最好的心腸,總是能在別人最困難的時候,伸出手來幫助,從來不計較付出,從來也不奢求回報。娘說,他的追思禮拜很多人來,擠滿了整個教堂, 他的家人們還拒收奠遺,說是林柏伯不肯收。我想這天上又多了一個天使吧,那些林柏伯一手修剪的樹,也都全部不見了,剩下來的,就只有心理的回憶而已。那些 美麗的回憶。


Angels,Roses And RainArranger:Ricky Ho

Last night my little girl came to my bedroomI heard her whisper softly from the door'Mommy ,
I can't sleep cause I miss papaDoes papa miss me like he did before ?
I took her in my arms and then I told her'Darling ,
papa misses you the same'But little girls and mommies cry with teardrops 
Angels cry with roses and with rain
Angels cry roses and rain  
Angels don't know any pain
So darling when you hear your papa's name
Think of angels , roses , and rain and rain
Angels , roses , and rainT
his morning she was playing in the kitchen
Then she took her doll and went outsideI watched her as she walked among the roses
I saw a little sadness in her eyes
But then I heard the rain drop on the window
And softly as the clouds that moved above
My little girl picked up her doll and whispered'
That's the way my papa sends his love !
Angels cry roses and rain  
Angels don't know any pain
So darling when you hear your papa's name
Think of angels , roses and rain and rain
Angels cry roses and rain  
Angels don't know any pain
So darling when you hear your papa's name
Theink of angels , roses , and rain
Angels , roses and rain  
Angels , roses and rain

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